Cancellation Policy:

Cancellations made within a week (5 business days) of your booked shuttle can not be refunded, cancellations made with more than one weeks notice (5 business days) will be refunded in full.

Delay Policy:

In the event you require a delay in your shuttle on the day of, a fee proportional to the delay may be charged to your account.

Additional Stops:

Please ensure that you are accurate with the number of stops required when picking up your group, additional stops for pickup and drop offs will attract a fee proportional to the time required to fulfil the non-booked stops. Stop offs that are not booked in advance may be refused by the driver on the day to ensure they are on time for their next group.

Soilage Policy:

A maximum of a $500 cleaning fee will be applied to you account in the event of a soilage incident. If the incident results in subsequent delays that require more staff hours you may also be charged an additional cost proportional to the time required.