Gravel Roads – take us away from home

We all dream, of getting away, the road less travelled, into the blue!

Freeedom is not an illusion, when you discover gravel riding. Wairarapa is full of opportunities to release yourself into the wild, quiet unsealed roads leading to lost beaches and bucolic wonder.

Green Jersey Explorer tours have just taken delivery of two bikes that a great for exploring our region.

Marin bikes have delivered the Nicasio+ (pictured above). This steel framed beast takes the vibrations out of the road and provides a responsive exciting ride. 650bx47mm tyres provide plenty of volume if you want a cushy ride and are ready to attack the leaders if primed at higher pressure. We reckon these bikes are ready for anything. Attack any hill with the MicroSHIFT wide range 1×9 drivetrain.

As soon as these bikes were built they were being rented out by adventurers who wanted to get amongst it in Wairarapa, 120km days quickly became the norm, multiday outings in the elements. The bikes came back dirty, the riders came back happy.

When you find yourself in Wairarapa, come to Green Jersey and we will show you where to ride, Go beyond the horizon on this adventure rig.

Ride the Remutaka Rail Trail, all the way in a day or from Maymorn back to Martinborough, this bike will perform just as well on the road as it does on the trail.

Marin Nicasio+ is available to hire in all sizes for $85/day (single day hire) or $60/day for multiday adventures.

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